Mortgage Technology Provider of the Year: 360 Lifecycle
This category rewards the mortgage technology provider that can display high levels of technological use to simplify the process of mortgage applications. The judges said the tools aimed at changing the way intermediaries analyse data and for client engagement, such as an event trigger tool, has seen this winning firm lead the way. This year’s winner is 360 Lifecycle.
Since first launching in 2012, 360 Lifecycle has grown to become a major player in the mortgage intermediary software market, with 20% of mortgage advisers relying on its software. Clients include leading names across the UK financial advice space, such as Knight Frank Finance, Alexander Hall and Quilter.
In its time since launch, 360 Lifecycle has now supported more than three million client records, generated 10 million client reviews for advisers as well as facilitated over £178bn in lending.
The firm’s leading product, 360 Lifecycle, provides an end-to-end practice management system, along with an interactive Client Portal and integrated FactFind, with sourcing that supports mortgage and insurance advisers to grow their business.
Within the past year, 360 Lifecycle has revolutionised its technological growth by recognising the friction points in financial advice, and solving inefficiencies caused by interacting with individual systems.
The firm has enhanced its system to create greater cohesion between its front and back-office platforms, by creating specific webinars with clients, continually updating the UI of the platform to keep it modern and easy to navigate and building an integration with a leading mortgage sourcing platform to give advisers access to criteria and affordability-based functionality.
360 Lifecycle has also enhanced its client engagement tools with the addition of an event trigger tool that particularly impressed this year’s judges. The event trigger tool allows advisers to update a certain point within the CRM so they can set it to update the client by text message or email to confirm what is happening at that stage.
This quick form of communication allows advisers to keep their clients updated so they no longer need to keep picking up the phone unless there is an issue. The firm has also developed its marketing abilities, with functions to allow advisers to target specific client subsets based on their needs.
This FinTech looks towards the future and is committed to providing software that intelligently utilises technology to streamline the adviser process and enhance the client experience. Congratulations to all the 360 Lifecycle team for an outstanding year.